its summer in the mountains. when its sunny here, its very hot. the evenings smell VERY sweet from the forest air, it might be the birch polypore mycelium... since we live below a mountain full of birches & i've heard others talk about the very-sweet birch polypore scent. we haven't had that many sunny days yet, but we've had enough so that i have green tomatoes, & i don't feel deprived of sun.
i am growing... so you might see these plants pictured below:
herbs~ hundreds of lavenders (over 10 different varieties), sage varieties (i forget all the name types, but there are some special ones, like jerusalem sage), oregano, chives, apple mint, spearmint, morrocan mint, egyptian mint, chocolate mint, basil mint, basil, cilantro, catnip, allspice, lemon balm, lemon catnip, thymes (lots of varieties), camphor basil,ground ivy,&anise hyssop(i forgot this name temporarily& that was bothersome)
+ roses, lilacs, buddlias(aka butterfly bush & i have hundreds), tomatoes, squashes, peas, nasturtium, broccoli, carrot, fragrant lily(its flower is intoxicating, like sweet vanilla, as are the pinks), pinks (3 varieties including a very vanilla white pink), kale varieties, aloe (recovering..), hydrangeas, fushia(just 1, a cutting from my moms that i grew up with), sunflowers, strawberries (i ate the first 2 ripe strawberries yesterday)...not pictured: pots i'll photograph later, + my indoor garden.
peach-orange hazel likes to nap underneath my butterfly bushes. the kitties that aren't hazel are the once-stray kitties that found us last fall. ava is the calico, mountain is the long haired. we also have another cat named mossy who is mountains brother, but he still hides all the time...