Sunday, February 21, 2010

are you growing a vegetable / food garden this year? i cannot think of better (inexpensive) way to help ourselves become more self sustaining and help yourself live more locally.

visit for inexpensive yet high quality non-gmo heirloom seeds. i have been a supporter of this company (baker creek) for many years, and was quite surprised when they suddenly opened a seed store in my hometown of petaluma. still i placed my order for this year over the internet, as they have cheap ($3.00) shipping fees and i find it easier to pick out exactly what i want online than in the store. i am soaking pea seeds right now, for a couple days, then i will plant them in soil. i'm also growing lots of flowers, but those aren't so important to my life as us learning the basics of growing our own gardens (for our own health and prevention of disease)

in a few weeks i am starting seeds for my basil, tomatos, pumpkins and potatos. the problem for me, is finding enough space in containers and the ground to grow all that i want to. last year i had a wonderful pumpkin, and a somewhat sad tomato yeild. great basil though! this year i want more.

1 comment:

BB said...

Thank´s for the info.
Yoúr cats are really cute !