my tomatoes should have a much longer growing season this year as I'm already starting them and it's still february, and under this light they're growing quickly, threat-free. I also have the seedlings of my dalias, zinnias and holy basil happy. in a couple days I am transferring the seeds from their 0.5" diameter starter containers to individual small containers about 3-4" in diameter. I'll give them a little longer indoors, then move them outdoors and start another batch indoors. mid march to late april I will also start batches of other seeds outdoors. (I have a huge collection of plastic containers I start plants and cuttings with)
Here in California, 30 minutes from the ocean, the biggest threat to young plants is snails and slugs (and yes, drying out). last year slugs did quite a number on my garden, this year to compensate I'll start more seeds and try to stay on top of maintenance (that means manual removal). I can't bring myself to lay out bait or beer to kill them, it's against my principles. I don't need this garden, I have no intention of killing life to have it, even if they are just slugs and snails.
it's rained a whole lot the past few months. we won't have a drought year! :) it's really great but it's causing some tree casualties. an old, about 80 years old, willow tree crashed down outside my workplace yesterday. I watched it happen and it made me really sad, as I see woodpeckers and other birds like chickadees use the tree for food and rest. the owners of the property will remove all of the willow and not let him re-sprout, but i'll let the willow itself live on; i took a few branches before I left. willow is among the easiest of trees to grow from cutting. I stuck the branches in a few pots of dirt and in mostly shade. that is nearly all i'll have to do, I will water a few times when it stops raining. in less than a month the willow will be on its way to rooting its pots :)
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