Wednesday, March 17, 2010


for my garden(s) this year!

i built a raised bed and surrounded it with a fence (mark helped) which will help keep all sorts of 'pests' out. i mixed organic compost with medicinal mushroom substrate, purchased 2 pounds of red worms to mix in and keep a third to start a mushroom bin. the raised bed isn't just for annuals; in the borders i planted pinks, lavenders & a few roses i had in containers - all grown from cuttings :) peas are growing along the fence wall - they need something to climb and it'll be too hot in the summer for them.

in a different location (outside of my fenced garden) i put down mushroom substrate. well again mark helped, because the shovel tends to ruin my back. i'll plant annual pumpkins, sunflowers & lilys once they get big enough, as space in my fenced bed is limited. my closet is full of baby plants; death from slugs is down from last year.

i am going to scale down to 3 day work-weeks soon ('soon'... is probably 2 months away) as to have more time for.. so many activities. happy!

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